Training Services Australia

Presentation Skills

presentation skillsWho should do this training?

This workshop is aimed at those who are expected to make verbal presentations as part of their work role. Applications may include management presentations, marketing, sales, training, promotions, tool box meetings etc.

How long does the course go for?

The workshop duration is 2 days.

What is the cost?

$650 per person.
This price is for public workshops. Special rates can be negotiated with clients for group-based programs delivered exclusively for their personnel.

Where are the training locations?

Our public workshops are located in Perth at our training centre.

When is the course available?

Public course dates are listed below. Please click on the date to enrol.

Are there any course pre-requisites?

There are no formal pre-requisites for undertaking this course, however participants will require a reasonable level of reading and writing ability.

Which unit(s) are covered?

BSBCMM411 – Make a presentation

What topics and activities are included?

Day 1

  • Planning a presentation
  • Structuring a presentation
  • Presentation aids and materials
  • Organising the presentation

Day 2

  • Communication skills
  • Delivering the presentation
  • Review and evaluate the presentation

Is there any pre-course work?

Participants are advised to think about a topic for a 10 – 15 minute presentation which they will make on the final day of the course. It is recommended that participants bring any equipment / resources that they will need for the presentation.

What about homework and assessment requirements?

Participants will be assessed delivering their presentation to a group of fellow participants on the second day of the course. Time will be provided on the course for participants to plan and organise their presentation, however participants will need to also spend some time preparing and rehearsing their presentation for homework.

The assessment for this course consists of:

  • Assessment of on-course presentation delivery
  • Assessment of presentation documentation completed on the course
  • Completion of Knowledge Questionnaire. This tests learners’ underpinning knowledge of presentation concepts. The questionnaire may be completed as an ‘open-book’ assessment, during or after the course.
  • Post-course assignment, including preparation, delivery and review of a presentation in the workplace. Note that learners will be required to arrange for a third party to observe them delivering this presentation (or submit a video of their presentation to TSA).

Is there any more information?

Yes! Click here for more detailed course information including Language Literacy and Numeracy requirements, RPL and other general advice. Please also review our learner agreement prior to enrolment which contains important information about your rights and obligations as well as support services. Additionally you can email us here or call us on 08 9422 6444.