Work Health and Safety

Quality safety personnel are pivotal to the success of any organisation. At Training Services Australia, we have been involved in safety training for over 14 years, and we continually refine our courses to ensure that we are the benchmark safety training provider in Australia.
Our public workshops are located at our training centre in Perth. We can also offer in-house client specific training all throughout Australia, as well as overseas.
Please review the various course options below and click on the link to view the course information.
BSB41415 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
The BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety, which superseded the BSB41415 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety, is the entry level qualification for any full-time Health and Safety Role.
Safety and Health Representatives Course
This course is for elected Safety & Health Representatives, and is specifically designed to equip them with the skills and knowledge to represent others on safety and health matters in the workplace. This highly-interactive workshop is WorksafeWA accredited.
Safety and Health Reps Refresher Course
The Safety and Health Reps Refresher Course complements the Introductory Health and Safety Representatives Training course above. The refresher workshops are often utilised by those who are re-elected as a Safety Representative for a second term.
WHS for Supervisors
This workshop is intended for supervisers, managers and team leaders so they can gain an understanding of their legal requirements under the legislation, and how to meet these requirements and provide a safe workplace for their staff and contractors.
What is Workplace Health and Safety?
Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) involves the assessment and mitigation of risks in your workplace that have potential to impact the health, safety or welfare of your staff. Otherwise known as Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S), WHS may also affect the health and safety of your customers, visitors, contractors, volunteers and suppliers. If you are a business owner, there are legal requirements in place you need to comply with in order for your workplace meets WHS obligations.
Why is WHS important?
It’s a legal requirement for businesses to create a safe work environment for everyone, and it’s critical to the long term success of your business. By creating a safe work environment, it can:
• Help you keep your staff on board
• Maximise productivity amongst your employees
• Minimise risk of injury and illness in the workplace
• Reduce any associated costs of injury and workers compensation
• Help you meet your legal obligations and employee responsibilities
Why is safety and health important in the workplace?
Health and safety procedures in the workplace reduces the chance of employee illnesses and injuries happening greatly. Training is important and effective, as it will provide your employees with valuable knowledge of proper workplace procedures, practices and behaviour to prevent possible injuries or illnesses.
Who is responsible for WHS?
Unsure who is responsible for safety in the workplace?
Both workers and business owners have obligations to fulfill when it comes to meeting health and safety requirements. Business owners have legal responsibilities to implement practices as soon as a business opens. It’s important to ensure that a business doesn’t create health and safety problems for employees, contractors, volunteers, visitors, customers or the public.