Policies And Procedures
Key policies and procedures can be accessed from the list below
TSA Code of Practice
Fees and payment information (including refund policy)
Fee information for publicly funded traineeships
Student information pack (for students undertaking courses at TSA’s premises)
TSA Learner Agreement
Student enrolment form
USI Collection Information
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policy and information
Disciplinary policy
Academic misconduct / Plagiarism, collusion and cheating policy
Privacy policy
National VET Data Privacy Notice
Applicable legislation
Qualifications and statements of attainment
Policy for issuing and reissuing qualifications and statements of attainment
National Recognition Policy
TSA Certification Security Measures
Providing certified copies of documents
Complaints and appeals
Complaints and appeals policy and process
TSA Complaints and Appeals Form (use the link to the left or click here for a pdf version or Word version)