Statutory Managers AQF5 (Assessment only Pathway)
Who should undertake this?
This assessment pathway has been developed for those who work in the resources sector in Western Australia (specifically the mining industry). It is suitable for those who have been appointed to, or who wish to be appointed to, one or more of the following statutory positions under the WHS (Mines) Regulations:
• Site senior executive
• Exploration manager
• First class mine manager
• Quarry manager
• Underground ventilation officer
• Radiation safety officer
The assessment is highly structured, with specific tasks that must be undertaken and specific evidence that needs to be submitted for each task. To complete the assessment, candidates need to be working in, or have access to, a work environment in which they can provide evidence of leading WHS risk management activities.
Pre-requisite requirements
There are no formal pre-requisite requirements to enrol in the unit, however the assessment is not currently linked to a course of training, so those enrolling must already possess high level knowledge, skills and experience of risk management.
To complete the assessment successfully, the following pre-requisites are strongly recommended:
• Currently working in a mining environment
• At least 5 years’ experience working in a mining environment
• Has completed the following units or equivalent. These can also be undertaken by attending our Statutory Supervisors Course:
BSBWHS411 – Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs
BSBWHS414 – Contribute to WHS risk management
• Considerable experience conducting (preferably leading) and documenting workplace risk assessments
• Ability to use technology to research WHS topics and document the outcomes of risk assessment activities
The following pre-requisites are desirable:
• Tertiary studies in a mining or engineering related field; and / or
• Diploma or higher-level studies in workplace health and safety
What is the cost?
$450 per person
Will there be a course available?
At this stage we are only offering an assessment only pathway however we expect to be able to offer a course in the future.
Which unit is covered?
BSBWHS513 – Lead WHS risk management
Summary of assessment tasks
The assessment consists of four tasks:
Assessment Task Title | Description / Summary of Requirements |
1 – Short answer questions |
Answer a series of short answer questions relating to risk management concepts and knowledge of legislative requirements relation to risk management. The questions are split into 8 sections and there are approximately 30 questions in total. Candidates are permitted to research the answers to the questions and there is no time limit for completing them. |
2 – Lead a WRAC process |
*WRAC stands for Workplace Risk Assessment and Control Lead a team of at least 3 other people to conduct a team-based risk assessment for an area of a mine or a mining project. The risk assessment must cover at least 12 distinct risks. Provide documentary evidence of the risk assessment, including a scoping document, meeting agenda, the completed risk assessment form, risk assessment action list, etc. Provide video evidence relating to different phases of the risk assessment (at least 3 x 10-minute excerpts). Provide evidence that the outcomes of the risk assessment have been communicated to appropriate personnel, and evidence of arrangements made to implement at least 3 identified risk control measures. Reflect on the effectiveness of the risk assessment process. |
3 – Lead a bow tie risk assessment |
Lead a team of at least 3 other people to conduct a bow tie risk assessment for a WHS risk at site for which the inherent risk is high or extreme. Provide documentary evidence relating to the risk assessment, including a preparation form, the completed bow tie analysis, and a set of recommended actions for controlling the risk. Provide a video excerpt from the bow tie risk assessment meeting (at least 10 minutes). Provide evidence of communicating the risk assessment outcomes to appropriate personnel. |
4 – Review effectiveness of organisation’s JHA process |
Review effectiveness of organisation’s JHA process Review the effectiveness of the organisation’s Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) (or equivalent) process. Evidence requirements include:
Time needed to complete assessment?
The time needed to complete the assessment is difficult to estimate and could vary significantly between candidates. As a rough guide, we expect that a relatively experienced person could complete the assessment in 25 – 40 hours.
Most of the tasks have practical workplace application and consequently could be completed during work time.
Online assessment portal
Detailed instructions for all assessment tasks are provided in TSA’s online assessment portal, along with supporting templates.
All evidence must be submitted through the online assessment portal.
Assessment support
Candidates should contact a TSA Training Advisor should they require assessment support. Email or telephone support is available where assistance is needed to:
- troubleshoot issues associated with the online assessment portal
- clarify interpretation of the assessment task requirements
Further information
Contact a TSA Training Advisor if you require further information or if you would like to enrol in the unit / assessment.